Carbon Audit and Assurance

Obtain independent assurance over your organisational Greenhouse Gas emissions inventory.

Ensure the reliability and credibility of your organisation's greenhouse gas emissions reporting with our Independent Assurance services.

Our independent audit and verification helps instill confidence among your stakeholders, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and minimising the risk of reporting errors. Beyond compliance, our process provides practical insights for continuous improvement in data accuracy and environmental risk management.

Independent assurance demonstrates your commitment to transparent reporting, builds trust and reduces the risk of greenwashing through false or erroneous claims.

We provide assurance against the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ISO 14064-1 standards, supporting the verification of organsational greenhouse gas emissions inventories prepared as stand alone reports, within sustainability reports or climate disclosures, or towards the Carbon Neutral Government Programme.

We are trained Carbon Auditors (Certified Carbon Auditor training - CEP), liscenced AA1000 Assurance providers and are a preferred supplier to the Government Carbon Neutral Programme (CNGP).

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